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Tlamachtiliztli 9 Tēiīxmatcacuahuitl (The Family)


In this lesson we will look at possessive markers once more and will introduce Nahuatl kin terms, which can be possessed, of course.

nān – tli     “mother”

  no – nanān – ø     “my mother”



Tlamānēxtilli īcā cequin motōcaxtilli tlen quipōz īteco (Examples with some possessive pronouns)


  noconēuh     “my child”

  moconēuh     “your child”

 īconēuh     “his/her child”

  toconēhuan     “our children”

  inmoconēhuan     “your (plural) children”

  ininconēhuan     “their children”



nochocho     “my younger sibling”

mochocho     “your younger sibling”

īchocho     “his/her younger sibling”

tochochohuan     “our younger siblings”

inmochochohuan     “your (plural) younger siblings”

ininchochohuan     “their younger siblings”



notlayi     “my uncle”

motlayi     “your uncle”

ītlayi     “his/her uncle”

totlayihuan     “our uncles”

inmotlayihuan     “your (plural) uncles”

inintlayihuan     “their uncles”



noicniuh     “my sibling”

moicniuh     “your sibling”

īicniuh     “his/her sibling”

toicnihuan     “our siblings”

inmoicnihuan     “you all’s siblings”

ininicnihuan     “their siblings”



nomachicniuh     “my cousin”

momachicniuh     “your cousin”

īmachicniuh     “his/her cousin”

tomachicnihuan     “our cousins”

inmomachicnihuan     “your (plural) cousins”

ininmachicnihuan     “their cousins”

Yancuic Tlahtolli tlen TlamachtiliztliNew vocabulary

We will learn the vocabulary for family members.

Image CC BY Open Clip Art, labels added


  Na     “I”

  nototatah    “my grandfather”

  notonanān     “my grandmother”


Image CC BY Open Clip Art, labels added

  notatah     “my father”

  nonanān     “my mother”

noicniuh     “my sibling”


Image CC BY Ed Yourdon, labels added

  nomimi     “my older brother”

  nopipi     “my older sister”

nochocho     “my younger sibling”

  nochocho cihuātl     “my younger sister”

  nochocho tlācatl     “my younger brother”

  notlayi     “my uncle”

  notlayihuan     “my uncles”

  noahui     “my aunt”

  noahuihuan     “my aunts”

  nomachicniuh     “my cousin”

  nomachicnihuan     “my cousins”

  nohuez     “my sister-in-law” (woman to woman)

  nohuezhuan     “my sisters-in-law” (woman to woman)

  nohuehpol     “my brother-in-law” (woman to man)

  nohuehpolhuan     “my brothers-in-law” (woman to man)

  notex     “my brother-in-law” (man to man)

  notexhuan     “my brothers-in-law” (man to man)

  nomachconēuh     “my nephew/niece”

  nomachconēhuan     “my nephews/nieces”

  noixhuiuh     “my grandchild”

  noixhuihuan     “my grandchildren”

  notepōtznanan     “my step-mother”

  notepōtztatah     “my step-father”

  notepōtzicniuh     “my step-sibling”

Chantequitl tlen momachtianihPractice for Students

Answer the following questions

  1. Quēniuhqui inintōcah mototatahhuan?
  2. Quēniuhqui inintōcah motatahhuan?
  3. Quēniuhquin inintōcah moicnihuan huan quezqui xīhuitl quipiyah?
  4. Quezqui mopipihuan ticpiya?
  5. Quezqui momimihuan ticpiya?
  6. Quezqui mochochohuan ticpiya?


Find the following words in this word search.

  1. Tēīxmatcacuahuitl
  2. Nototatahhuan
  3. Notatah
  4. Nonanan
  5. Notlayi
  6. Noahui
  7. Noicniuh
  8. Nomimi
  9. Nopipi
  10. Nochocho
t k s a w q r p d x a t u c s b g v p o
p e q e a b y l k ñ v e t e t e y u n u
n o i c n i u h i o p a e s w c t h b w
a r d x u k o c h o l s s a e r y i d u
w q e r m e y u n k ñ i e r s f v h e e
q w r i y a g j o p ñ y r w a y j g o p
p o i u n o t a t a h q w e r t y u i o
y t r e o w q c l w q r a s d f g h n h
q w e r t u i o a p o j h g y f h p o l
a d f h o j k o y c l j h g b m l ñ c o
p o k e t o p u i s u a b i e l p y h a
t e l o a d e s a k o a m p o i w a o b
a s c b t l k j i y i g h t r e u o c p
e r s d a z c h i o p o f u v c t u h a
p u t i h u i o p u r d s e i m i m o n
q w e r h g h j k l ñ o p i u t y t r e
z x c v u b n m ñ n k j h g f d l s a a
o m e x a v n a w o a s j d h e r t y i
a o i p n o n a n a n t r e y s o p m k
e a r s g j k i o h q w r e t y u i o p
n k j h g f d s a u w e r t y u u i i y
m n b v c x n o p i p i x c z s d f g h