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Tlamachtiliztli 8 Noyōllo (Possessive markers)


Possessed nouns are made up of three elements: a prefix marker that identifies the possessor; the noun root and the singular or plural suffix markers.

  conē – tl     “child”

  no – conē – uh     “my child”

  to – conē – huan     “our children”


Motocaxtilli tlen quipoz iteco (Possessive pronouns)

no – (substantive base) – ø /uh /hui

mo – (substantive base) – ø /uh /hui

i – (substantive base) – ø /uh /hui

to – (substantive base) – hua

inmo – (substantive base) – hua

inin – (substantive base) – hua


Tlamānēxtilli īcā tlahtolli (Example with words)


  noconēuh     “my child”

  moconēuh     “your child”

 īconēuh     “her/his child”

  toconēhuan     “our children”

  inmoconēhuan     “your (plural) children”

  ininconēhuan     “their children”



  nopitzo     “my pig”

  mopitzo     “your pig”

 īpitzo     “her/his pig”

  topitzohuan     “our pigs”

  inmopitzohuan     “your (plural) pigs”

  ininpitzohuan     “their pigs”


Tlamānēxtilli īcā cequin pāmeh (Examples with sentences)

Noconēhuan mohmōztlah yohuih caltlamachtiloyan.

Mi children go to school everyday.

María quicocōa īicxi pampa momāquilih.

The foot of Maria hurts because she hit herself.

Nopitzohuan quicuāh miac cīntli.

My pigs eat a lot of corn.

Felipe yohui mīllah huanya īchichi.

Felipe goes to the cornfield with his dog.


¿Tlen ītōcah achi tlen totlācayo? (What are the names of the parts of our body?)

Image CC BY Barry Langdon-Lassagne, labels added

  noīxtiyōl     “my eye”

  notzontecon     “my head”

  nonacaz     “my ear”

  noyācatzol     “my nose”

  nocamac     “my mouth”

  notzoncal     “my hair”


Image in the Public Domain, labels added

  nochichi     “my breast, chest”

  nomamolic     “my elbow”

  nomāh     “my hand, arm”

  nomāhpil     “my finger”

  nometz     “my leg”

  notlancuah     “my knee”

  noicxi     “my foot”

Yancuic Tlahtolli tlen TlamachtiliztliNew vocabulary

  cocōa    “to hurt”

  yāuh (irregular verb)     “to go”

  yohui (irregular verb)     “to go”

  mīllah     “cornfield”

  mohmōztlah     “each day, every day”

  māquilia     “to hit”

  icxi     “foot”

  conētl     “child”

  pitzotl     “pig”

  huanya     “with, in the company of” (someone)

  mizton     “cat”

  tlācayo     “body”

  achi     “a little”

  tlahco     “middle, right measurement”

  tlatlahco     “in the middle”

 īxco     “on, over” (something)

  noahcol     “my shoulder”

  nocampan     “my cheek”

  nocuetlaxxo     “my skin”

  nocuitlapan     “my back”

  noicxiizti     “my toe nails”

  noicxopil     “my toe”

  noihti     “my stomach”

  noixihhuiyo     “my eyebrow”

  noīxtēnihhuiyo     “my eyelash”

  noīxxayāc     “my face”

  noizti     “my nail”

  nonenepil     “my tongue”

  nomāpatlac     “my hand palm”

  noquechcuayo     “my neck”

  notlahcoyan     “my waist”

  notlancoch     “my tooth”

  notzintamal     “my butt”

  notzipiuh     “my belly button”

Chantequitl tlen momachtianihPractice for Students

Make sentences with the following words






Answer the following questions

1. Quēniuhqui ītōcah tlen īcā tinehnemi?

2. Quēniuhqui ītōcah tlamantli tlen eltoc tlatlahco moihti?

3. Tlen ītōcah tlen eltoc īixco toquechcuayo?

4. Quēniuhqui ītōcah totlācayo tlen īcā ticcui cē tlamantli?

5. Tlen itōcah tlen īcā titlacuāh?