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Tlamachtiliztli 2 Tlahtlaniliztli (Questions).



In this lesson you will learn a number of helpful phrases and questions that you can use in class. These include asking for things, phrases the teacher will use, and phrases you can use when you need clarification.

Here is a word of encouragement! Try to use these important questions and phrases in class. You will learn faster and attain a better grasp of pronunciation when you use Nahuatl to communicate with your teacher and classmates.


A: Piyali tlamachtihquetl.
B: Piyali momachtihquetl.
A: ¿Hueliz nipano?
B: Quēna, xipano, ximocehui.

Show/Hide English translation


A: Hello, good day teacher.

B: Hello, good day student.

A: Can I come in?

B: Yes come in, sit.

Yancuic Tlahtolli tlen TlamachtiliztliNew vocabulary

Totlahtlaniliz huan totlahtol tlen ica tlamachtiliztli (Our questions and phrases for class)


  quēna     “yes”

  axcanah     “no”

  itztoc     “it’s here”

  tlamachtihquetl     “teacher”

  momachtihquetl     “student”

  huapaltlahcuilolli     “white/black board”

  Nimītztlahpaloz     “Greetings to you”



  Xicalaqui     “Enter”

  Xipano     “Come in”

  Xicatlapo     “Open the door”

  Xicaltzacua     “Close the door”

  Xipanquīza     “Go out”

  Xiquihto     “Say it”

  Xiquihtocān     “You all say it”

  Xicchīhua     “Do it”

  Xiquihcuilo     “Write it”

  Ximoquētza     “Stand up, On your feet”

  Ximoquētzacān     “You all stand up, You all on your feet”

  Ximocehui     “Sit down”

  Ximocehuicān     “You all sit down”

  Xiquittacān inmoāmox     “Look at your book”

  Zampa     “Again”

  Zampa xiquihto     “Say it again”


Questions and answers

  Nicpiya cē tlahtlaniliztli     “I have a question”

   ¿Inquipiyah cē tlahtlaniliztli?     “Do you all have a question?”

     Ax niccuamachilia     “I do not understand”

  Ax niquilnāmiqui     “I do not remember”

  ¿Cānin?     “Where?”

  ¿Quēmman?     “When?”

  ¿Quēzqui?     “How much?”

  ¿Tlen?     “What?”

  ¿Quēnque?     “Why?”

  ¿Quēniuhqui?     “How?”

  ¿Ācquiya?     “Who?”

  ¿Quēniuhcapan?     “How much?”

  ¿Catlinya?     “Which?”

  ¿Cānin tiitztoc?     “Where are you?”

  Nicān niitztoc     “I am here”

  ¿Hueliz niquīza cē tlatoctzin?     “Can I go out for a moment?”

  Tlamachtihquetl, ¿hueliz nipano?     “Teacher, can I come in?”