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Tlamachtiliztli 32 te y tla ( non specific objects te y tla, Part 1)


In this unit, we will look into the non-specific human and non-human object prefix te- and tla-


Te– is the non specific human object prefix that refers to people and  tla– is the non specific non human object prefix, it usually refers to different things: animals, plants, and inanimate things. At times, tla– can refer to people.

Xiquittacan tlamanextilli ica te – // Let’s look at some examples with te-

  • Maria mitztlamaca. / Maria feeds you.
  • Maria tetlamaca. / Maria feeds someone.
  • Notatah quipalehuia Tomás. / My dad helps Tomás.
  • Notatah tepalehuia. / My dad helps people.
  • Juan quicahcayahqui nopipi. / Juan lied to my sister.
  • Juan tecahcayahqui. / Juan lied to someone.

Xiquitta tlamanextilli ica tla- // Let’s look at some examples with tla-

  • Nonanan tlachicuenia chihchicueyi. / My mom washes clothes every eight days.
  • Totahtzin tlanamictia Chicontepec. / The priest marries in Chicontepec.
  • Felipe quiamati tlaoniz. / Felipe likes to drink alcohol.
  • Nochichi quiamati tlapehuaz. / My dog likes to hunt.
  • Ne cahuayoh tlahuel etic itlamamal. / That horse’s load is heavy.
Chantequitl tlen momachtianihPractice for Students

Xicchihua cequin tlamanextilli ica tlahtolli tlen ticmati. / Create some examples using the verbs that you know.