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Tlamachtiliztli 18 Tlen nicāmati huan tlen ax nicāmati (What I Like and Do Not Like)


In this lesson we will learn to say what we like and what we dislike, and will learn how to use the negator “ax-” as in the example below:

Nicāmati     “I like it”

Ax nicāmati     “I do not like it”


Note: The images in this lesson were created by the following people:

CC BY-NC Malias

CC BY Sabina y Catalina Cruz

CC BY-NC-SA Kpratt

CC BY-NC-ND FoodMayhem

CC BY-NC-SA Chooyutshing

CC BY Josefrayn

CC BY-SA Rameshng

CC BY-SA Fastily

Yancuic Tlahtolli tlen TlamachtiliztliNew vocabulary

Tlen nicāmati huan ax nicāmati niccuāz (What I like and do not like to eat)

  cuaxilotl     “banana”


  zantiah     “watermelon”


  matzahtli     “pineapple”


  tontolon     “meatball”


  piyonacatl     “chicken meat”


  pitzonacatl     “pork meat”


  chichiquilli     “tamale”


  etl     “beans”


  chīlli     “chili pepper”


  tlaxcalli     “tortilla”


arroz     “rice”


chacahrroh     “pork rind/crackling”


michin     “fish”


chīltlacualli     “mole”


  zacahuilli     “big tamal”


chīltlaxcalli     “chilli quesadilla”


yamaxtli     “big tamal with a whole chicken”


quezo     “quezo”


Tlen nicāmati huan ax nicāmati nicchīhuaz (What I like and do not like to do)

  Nitlachpāna     “I sweep”

  Nitōca     “I plant corn”

  Nitequiti     “I work”

  Nitici     “I grind corn”

  Nitlaxamānia     “I grind hominy”

  Nitlacualchihchīhua     “I prepare food”

  Niātlacui     “I carry water”

  Niātzehtzeloa     “I spread water on the ground”

  Nitlapahpāca     “I wash the dishes”

  Nimihtōtia     “I dance”

  Nichīlmola     “I kneed chilli peppers”


Nicāmati niccuāz tlacualiztli tēntlazcayōtl (I like to eat sweet food)


xamitl     “tamal made from sweet corn”


pemolez     “brown sugar cookie”


chalchocolt     “guava”


camohtli tlaneuccalaquilli     “yam”


pantzin     “Mexican sweet bread”


alfejorez     “powdered sugar cookie”


Quēn momachilia tlacualli (How food tastes)

  itzātl poyec     “salty salt”

  chocolātl tzopēlic huan ahhuīac     “sweet and tasty chocolate”

  cafen totōnic     “hot coffee”

  cuaxilotl xoxohuīc     “unripe banana”

  cuaxilotl iuccitoc     “ripe banana”

  nieveh ahhuiāc     “tasty ice cream”

  chilli cococ     “spicy chilli pepper”

  limon xococ, chichic     “sour, bitter lime”

  Tlacualli acecec quēmman ax quipiya iztātl.     “The food is tasteless when it does not have salt.”

  totōnic     “hot”

  cecec     “cold”

  quēntzin totōnic     “a little hot”

  ax cecec     “it is not cold”

  ax totōnic     “it is not hot”

Chantequitl tlen momachtianihPractice for Students

Tequtil cē (Work one): Write a paragraph saying what you like and do not like to eat using the words we learned in this lesson.


Tequitl ōme (Work two): Answer the questions using the words for food and tastes, which we learned in this section

1. Quēniuhqui ticāmati tohtolon?

2. Tlen ticāmati ticuāz?

3. Quēniuhqui ticachilia īahhuiyāca chi7ltlacualli?

4. Quēnque ax ticāmati chichiquilli?

5. Catlinya tlacualiztli nel ticāmati?

6. Cafen ticāmati totōnic zo cecec?