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Tlamachtiliztli 6 Tlachīhualiztli tlen ax quimānēxtia cē tlamantli (Intransitive Verbs)


In this lesson, we will learn intransitive verbs. Intransitive verbs refer to actions that do not affect an object.

Intransitive verbs in the present tense have three parts: an agent prefix, a verbal base, and a suffix that marks singular or plural agent. In the present tense, the singular is followed by the suffix “ø,” and “h” in the plural.

  ø – ehua – ø     “she/he is from, comes from”

  ø – ehua – h     “they are from, come from”



Tlamānēxtilli ahāhuiltiliztli tlen tlachīhualiztli huan cē tlahtolpāmitl (Example with the conjugation of verbs and a sentence)

ni – (verbal base) – ø

ti – (verbal base) – ø

ø – (verbal base) – ø

ti – (verbal base) – h

in – (verbal base) – h

ø – (verbal base) – h


/ēhua/     “to be from, come from”

  niēhua     “I am from, come from”

  tiēhua     “you are from, come from”

ēhua     “she/he is from, comes from”

  tiēhuah     “we are from, come from”

  inēhuah     “you all are from, come from”

 ēhuah     “they are from, come from”

Niēhua Mexco.     “I  am from Mexico.”


/tequiti/     “to work”

  nitequiti     “I work”

  titequiti     “you work”

  tequiti     “she/he works”

  titequitih     “we work”

  intequitih     “you all work”

  tequitih     “they work”

Nitequiti caltlamachtiloyan.     “I work at school.”


/momachtia/     “to study”

  nimomachtia     “I study”

  timomachtia     “you study”

  momachtia     “she/he studies”

  timomachtiah     “we study”

  inmomachtiah     “you all study”

  momachtiah     “they study”

Nimomachtia nāhuatl.     “I study Nahuatl.”


/tici/     “to grind”

  nitici     “I grind (corn)”

  titici     “you grind (corn)”

  tici     “she/he grinds (corn)”

  titicih     “we grind (corn)”

  inticih     “you all grind (corn)”

ticih     “they grind (corn)”

Nitici huanya nonanan.     “I grind (corn) with with my mother.”


/tlamachtia/     “to teach”

  nitlamachtia     “I teach”

  titlamachtia     “you teach”

  tlamachtia     “she/he teaches”

  titlamachtiah     “we teach”

  intlamachtiah     “you all teach”

  tlamachtiah     “they teach”

Nitlamachtia nāhuatl īcā yāhuatzinco.     “I teach Nahuatl in the morning.”

Yancuic Tlahtolli tlen TlamachtiliztliNew vocabulary


  chōca     “to cry”

  ahqui     “to swim”

  huetzca     “to laugh”

 ātli     “to drink, to drink water”

  cececui     “to be cold”

  cōchi     “to sleep”

  quīza     “to go out”

  choloa     “to escape”

  māltia     “to bathe”

  mihtōtia     “to dance”

Chantequitl tlen momachtianihPractice for Students


Conjugate the follow verbs with all the prefixes of the subject and the suffixes in singular and plural. For example:

/chōca/     “to cry”

nichōca     “I cry”

tichōca     “you cry”

chōca     “she/he cries”

tichōcah     “we cry”

inchōcah     “you all cry”

chocah     “they cry”


/Ahqui/     “to swim”

/Huetzca/     “to laugh”

/Ātli/     “to drink water”

/Cececui/     “to be cold”


Now make small sentences with the following verbs. For example:

/Cōchi/     “to sleep”

Na nicōchi pan mahtlactli huan ōme cāhuitl.”

“I sleep at twelve.”


/Quīza/     “to go out”

/Choloa/     “to escape”

/Māltia/     “to bathe, shower”

/Mihtōtia/     “to dance”