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Tlamachtiliztli 14 Tlachīhualiztli tlen panoc Part 1 (Past Tense Verbs Part 1)


In this lesson we will start learning the past tense. In Nahuatl, verbs are divided into four classes  according to their tense inflection.  Transitive and intransitive verbs exist in all four classes.



Class 1

In class 1, verbs take the suffix /c/ to mark the singular and the suffix /queh/ to mark the plural. For example:

ni – (verbal base) – c

ti – (verbal base) – c

ø – (verbal base) – c

ti – (verbal base) – queh

in – (verbal base) – queh

ø – (verbal base) – queh


Tlamanēxtilli tlen ahāhuiltiliztli tlen tlachīhualiztli tlen panoc (Example of the conjugation of verbs)

  /chōca/     “to cry”

  Nichōcac     “I cried”

  Tichōcac     “You cried”

  Chōcac     “She/he cried”

  Tichōcaqueh     “We cried”

  Inchōcaqueh     “You (plural) cried”

  Chōcaqueh     “They cried”


  /patla/     “to change”

  Nicpatlac     “I changed” (something)

  Ticpatlac     “You changed” (something)

  Quipatlac     “She/he changed” (something)

  Ticpatlaqueh     “We changed” (something)

  Inquipatlaqueh     “You (plural) changed” (something)

  Quipatlaqueh     “They changed” (something)


  /oni/     “to drink”

  Niconic     “I drank” (something)

  Ticonic     “You drank” (something)

  Quionic     “She/he drank” (something)

  Ticoniqueh     “We drank” (something)

  Inquioniqueh     “You (plural) drank” (something)

  Quioniqueh     “They drank” (something)

Yancuic Tlahtolli tlen TlamachtiliztliNew vocabulary

  chōca     “to cry”

  patla     “to change” (something)

 ōni     “to drink” (something)

  quīza     “to go out”

tōca     “to plant corn”

hueli     “to be able”

  cōhua     “to buy” (something)

  ahcocui     “to preserve, put away” (something)

  piya     “to have” (something)

  tequi     “to cut” (something)

  tici     “to grind corn

  nehnemi     “to walk”

Chantequitl tlen momachtianihPractice for Students


Conjugate the following verbs in the past tense in all persons and in singular and plural.

Class 1

Ahci (to arrive)

Ahqui (to swim)

Huetzca (to laugh)